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What A Cracking Morning Here In Lanc's

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TWR | 10:12 Sun 22nd Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
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No it's cloudy and particularly cold. We had your day yesterday TWR x
Beautiful here TWR (NW Leicestershire)
Dull, very very dull.

A duvet day watching the feast of football on telly for me.
Dull, overcast and very cold.
Cold again here in East Anglia, but i am going to get out in the garden and will not be beaten today!
Cloudy and cold here in mid Wales.
Also pretty good on the right side of the pennines.
Hi TWR Nice and sunny here in Romford.
Slight wind, and a bit chilly, thats thats good enough for us to have a stroll a bit later. Maybe a bus and train ride to London to get out for a bit of a stroll along the Thames.
Question Author
I feel that jolly today with the Weather Puss, I might treat my wife to pie & peas, she doesn't know how kind a husband she has.
Not pie and mash Twr? Never heard of pie and peas, haha
Question Author
Well, if she's a good girl I might throw the Mash in as well, how's that for been kind? I do not care about the cost.x
Ah, bless ya! Your so kind to that girl of yours lol
Question Author
xx have a good day.
TWR, You are clearly all heart! Enjoy your

N/Kent, was out 0700 with Dogs, blooming freezing, it's dull, overcast and still blooming cold at the moment so not going out again until the evening walkies whatever they say!
Beautifully sunny here on the North Coast
Solid grey sky & chilly in East Sussex

Least we forget!

///Question Author
Bought the OH a Bacon Barm, a watch battery yesterday, I don't half soil her, I offered her Meat Pie & Mushey peas as recommended, but she said that was going to be too expensive.
09:20 Sun 15th Feb 2015///

Best typo for ages TWR, thank you, loved it ;o)

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