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Expiring Debit Card

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Ann | 00:12 Mon 23rd Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Hi folks - I do online shopping on quite a few store websites including Paypal. My debit card is due to expire at the end of this week - do I really have to go through numerous websites to manually change the debit card details or can I just do it once e.g for paypal and the rest pick up from that? I can't remember what happened 3 years ago but I didn't really shop much online in those days.


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if you pay on the websites through paypal then you only have to change it at paypal, if you have saved your credit card details on the individual websites then you have to change it on the website, but you don;t have to do it till you buy something.
When your new card arrives - update the details on PayPal then anything you purchase using PayPal as the method of payment will be OK.

For any sites which don't allow you to pay by PayPal - e.g. Amazon - you will need to manually change the card details.
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Thanks, although I do a lot through Paypal, there are sites which don't allow it so I use visa debit, what a pain to have to remember to change them all.
You won't have to remember as such - once you go to payment details they ask which card you want to use and you can then add the new one.
I have just signed up for a paypal account but don't know how it works. If I want to buy something on line what do I do?
many sites offer you the option to pay with Paypal as well as credit/debit cards; just tick yes and follow whatever instructions it gives.
Thanks. My paypal account stands at £0.00, so how do I put money on it? In what way is it better than paying by debit/credit card?
You don't need to put money in it - PayPal will debit either your card or bank account - depending on how you set up your account.

It saves you from having to enter your card details on various sites - giving a greater degree of protection - plus it has a resolution centre if, for some reason, you're unhappy with a purchase.

Thanks, Ouzel, I'm beginning to understand now.

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