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Fao. Vakayu

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butcherbilly1324 | 11:16 Mon 23rd Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
73 Answers
Hi you got time for a chat ?


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Yay :-)
12:48 Mon 23rd Mar 2015
Anyone else on the edge of their seat?
Talbot...did you get my FB message? :-)
You should now have each other's address! :-))
Yay :-)
Well done Lie-in King!! Happy endings.
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Thanks for all your help LK that was a struggle for me working great....
Many thanks LIK you deserve a medal,thanks for your time it is so easy when you know how,I only wish I did.
I've a warm tingly feeling & a smile as wide as the Thames - so glad I could help :-))
Your turn now Margo,strike while the iron is hot,it has only taken butcherbilly and myself about a year lol.
Brilliant news!! Well done MAJ - you deserve a big cake for that.
LIK please stand on the top rostrum and give yourself a coconut or something,thanks again.x

Now form an orderly queue for my details... ;0)

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Fao. Vakayu

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