I posted a question here on B&S a couple of weeks ago re: chest infection and cough that I'd had for a couple of weeks. I decided to 'ride it out' rather than take antibiotics. I still have a bit of a cough but what really concerns me is how out of breath I am, even when Im doing nothing. Was playing with my young nephews today, nothing strenuous just kicking a ball about, and had to sit down because I thought I was going to pass out and couldnt get my breath. Sitting here now, I feel as though my breathings a bit laboured.
Will try to get in to see the doc sometime this week but is it possible ive got a bit of asthma or something similar?
BTW, Im 48, bit overweight and gave up smoking 3 month ago. Gave up smoking precisely because I was coughing and couldnt get my breath.