With my annoyance with reading the D.M yesterday I.D.S, I was that annoyed what is going to happen to these persons again, when will persons with L.D. fairly / with respect, & given work to make them feel that their ability to work is recognised. to my Critics! Apologies. I get hung at noon.
I agree with your sentiments. it's a difficult issue isn't it. I understand that even disability groups can't agree on whether it's better to try to create jobs in a specialist organisation such as REMPLOY or to try to integrate workers with disabilities to work alongside more abled people
F.F. the persons I cared for looked forward to going to these centres, they made friend there, kept their minds occupied, felt as if they were doing some thing constructive, then thrown on the scrap heap never to work again, I admit I put the cart before the horse but it rely gets my back up how thy treat these persons GRRRRRRRRRRRRR X
I think I agree with you but it was the last Labour governemnt not IDS (Ian Duncan Smith) that closed REMPLOY. And I'm pretty sure they did it with the support of disability groups. I agree though that some of these people are much more at home in a REMPLOY type environment than working alongside more abled people or indeed being unemployed.