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Terry Wigan, With Great Pleasure On Radio 4 Now

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sandyRoe | 23:36 Fri 03rd Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Doesn't he sound old?


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Who ?
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Wigan. There's the quiver of old age in his voice.
He is old, Sandy.
Question Author
Not Wigan, Wogan
Born, Michael Terence Wogan
3 August 1938 (age 76)
Limerick City, Ireland

He is old! he should pack it in now, he's annoying, he just won't go away!
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I still think of him in his appearances on TV in the 80s. But I accept he is getting on,.
Not listening to the radio at the moment. Been watching his programme in the afternoon, showing excerpts from his chat show from years ago. Quite interesting some of them. I was amazed at a comment he made in one of them. That he didn't believe in God, Heaven or anything religious. I thOught he went to a school run by the Jesuit Brothers. Maybe they knocked the belief out of him. He has mentioned they were brutal in the past.
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He went to Clongowes, same school as James Joyce, but the Jesuit's couldn't have had the child until he was 7.
I really like Our Tel. He seems a good sort. I included him in my choice of dinner guests on here the other night.
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I like him, too. There seems to be a lot more to him than the glib facade that he presented on radio sometimes.
I used to know Terry quite well when we worked together on radio in the late sixties. He is a very genuine and kind person.
Grasscarp, I hope you don't mind me asking, what were you doing on the radio?
Question Author
To have a colleague say that of you would be touching, grasscarp
I worked in the press office so had a lot to do with people who were on radio and television. I later trained as a studio manager in radio. All so long ago but I did meet many very interesting people.
Thank you Grasscarp.
You are welcome Caran. Happy Easter.
They made a big fuss of him retiring then he came back so what was the point of it all. Some people just dont know when to stop.!

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