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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
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ToraToraTora .....can they? ...
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webbo3 Isn't it time to withdrawl from this ...
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webbo3 No s*** sherlock, have a look at the graphs and see the demographic of the sex of those coming... ...
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webbo3 This is clearly an invasion of europe and needs... ...
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The Super Rich have made fortunes in the UK and now they are fleeing the UK for their Tax Havens.According to a "Migration Consultancy" which helps the rich shuffle their fortunes around to avoid... ...
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Asked bout 2TK's freebies.... "..people want to see their government well turned out and attending public events.." - right oh!
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ToraToraTora What do we think people? I assume she'd normally invite the intruder in for a nice cup of... ...
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ToraToraTora Probably too busy trawling twitface for cases of misgendering or anyone concerned... ...
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ToraToraTora Hezbollah are taking a hammering all thanks to their buddies in Hamas. I hope they send them a nice card at Eid. ...
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davebro3 You just couldn't make it up! ...
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Not one of my usual light hearted topics, but this is potentially very serious for anyone with a peanut allergy. There are alerts in Ireland and the UK - my news article happens to be from an Irish... ...
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i liked lee andersons speech at the reform confrence, he speaks the truth in my opinion, some abers will say dog whistle politics, how is it when what he say is true, the only difference is he's... ...
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davebro3 It is inconceivable that the decision not to prosecute Al Fayed over the alleged rape of a 15 year old was not taken at the highest level. Was... ...
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Anywhere but government, surely! ...
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ToraToraTora mean there are Britons mad enough to... ...
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ToraToraTora   ...
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ToraToraTora Devolution has been a disaster, the last thing we need is another layer of snouts in the trough. What is it with Labour and this obsession with... ...
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webbo3 Sir Keir Starmer King of the freebies ...
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//Sir Keir Starmer has said he was "angry" to learn that offenders were being greeted with champagne outside of prison gates after being released early to ease... ...

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