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Britains Got Talent Tonight.

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Georgiesmum | 21:18 Sat 11th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
What did everyone think of Britains Got Talent tonight? Anyone got a theory how the talking dog act was done?


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The dog was quite obviously wearing a fake jaw
in the 50's there was an act on at the sunday night at the london palladium who had this kind of act and that dog had a false bottom jaw,most people realized that
The talking dog was a variation on the old vent act. I suspect the man was "tweaking" something on the dogs undercarriage, to get the response. I hope he never tries that with my little Willy though !
Oh I don't know, Mikey.....could be your novel party piece..... ;-)
Tee Hee Gness !
I don't like that, don't think the dog looks happy and I hate seeing animals being used like this.
Well mikey, if anybody does tweak your little willy, we dont want to see it, especially if it bobs up and down, thank you!!
Tee Hee Ratter !
My sentiments exactly mrs.chappie.
I was also saddened to see so many people (audience and panel) appearing to enjoy it. That came as a bit of a surprise to me. For me, it was wrong on so many levels.
GM....I think he operates the false mouth with his foot on a pedal at the bottom of the pedestal....didn't like it at all....x
Watched it on catch-up tonight, usual load of dross including the panel.
Some dogs would thrive in a situation like that, they would be happy and relaxed and enjoying it all.

The rest would be nervous, quivering wrecks.

The dog should decide - somehow!?

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Britains Got Talent Tonight.

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