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I Am Celebrating!

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mrs_overall | 11:02 Wed 22nd Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Would anyone care to join me as I crack open a bottle of Veuve Cliquot? Thanks to DeeSa for awarding me my 100th Best Answer


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I'm sweating on a 400 but knowing my luck I'll get a suspension first. :-)
16:32 Wed 22nd Apr 2015
Happy 100th Mrs0 !!
Congratulations on your 100th. Now can I also have a glass please.
Congratulations and thanks for the excuse to open this one been hanging around since mother's day
well done great international super model.....xx.....I need 10 more to get my 200 !!!
Congrats - I have no idea how many until I press this submit thing.....

Back to base and hossie run done, I too need a shot of bubbles!
22 to go to hit the 250 mark - does Ed hand us out some champers for the quarter-a-grand? Charles Heidsieck Vintage please....
DT ..mum still wired up ?
Well done , hope that you get a telegram from Liz in recognition of your Stirling work ......or maybe a gong .


my gratitude to you for awarding me BA on sunday - which is helping me to almost reach 200
well she's made 2 hours, 22 more to go......
much protest but the deed has been done - excuse us mrs overcelebrated.
I'm sweating on a 400 but knowing my luck I'll get a suspension first. :-)
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Thank you!

Mind you, not one of you have placed an order for the book. :-(.....
that's a lot of people you've managed to bully mrs overbearing. well done for being so forceful.
Mrs O I just love your witty repartee and your marigolds !!

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I Am Celebrating!

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