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Could They Have Found A Better Name For Their Site?

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sandyRoe | 17:41 Mon 27th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Chat has now joined forces with Pick Me Up to create a brand new website called, full of all of their existing competitions and puzzles as well as fantastic new boredom busting content.


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Chatmeup would have been better
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It would indeed. I wonder did they use a focus group to come up with that new name?
Taking a look at it, I see that the site is actually called "Life! Death! Prizes!" which, I suppose, makes some sort of sense for a 'real-life' magazine site offering prizes to readers. However the necessary omission of the exclamation marks from the web address does seem to make it a rather odd URL.

It's good to see though, Sandy, that you're still reading the intellectual stuff on the web:
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^ That reminds me of the summer job I had years ago as a toilet attendant. Most of my customers were either drug users looking to inject or gays cruising. When somebody came in just for a *** it was like a breath of fresh air.

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Could They Have Found A Better Name For Their Site?

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