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Suetheramble | 07:39 Tue 28th Apr 2015 | Business & Finance
4 Answers
I need to find out who the mortgage was taken out with on a property - would land registry deeds show this information?


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I was thinking - God I should know this ...
if you go here

you will see that there is a space for mortgages

This is because clearly people need to know if there is any bar to selling ( like the mortgage company has to be involved ) - an entry can certainnly be entered by the mortgage company

but I imagine the answer you want is whether the mortgage MUST be entered on the land registry and I think the answer is no

( that is if there is no mortgage recorded the the co doesnt get its money and I am sure that is NOT the case )
Yes, it will unless the mortgage has been paid off.
standard securities are shown on land registry as are the discharges
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