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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:29 Tue 05th May 2015 | ChatterBank
110 Answers
Tuesday. Cloudy, rainy. A good day to stay in bed I reckon. It looks like indoor jobs today.

Tiggy didn't stay out long, sensible lad. He had some ham trimmings for his supper, one of his favourites.

Have a happy day everyone.



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Sounds like my nephew and niece, eaten out of house......
Morning everybody !..Pouring here in Swansea ! Again, not cold but very wet.
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Some of the [not so] nippers in our family too DT. They are all grown up now.
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Morning mikey. The odd drop here, the rest will be along shortly no doubt.
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Now it's raining with a vengeance.
Ummmm: Are you sure they weren't were-rabbits?
Morning Mikey,

the sun is out here but the wind is starting to get up....

Morning all, rained o/night, dry now and windy, sun's trying it's best, we shall see
Hope everyone is well.
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Morning balders. I'm fine thanks mate. :o} Blowing an 'ooligan and raining. I will not be out for long today!
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Time to go and get out and back before the weather really gets going!

Have a happy day everyone.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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