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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:07 Wed 06th May 2015 | ChatterBank
113 Answers
Wednesday. I was about to say that the sky is clear this morning, but looking up I see it's clouding over...again. sigh

A hospital appointment today. A follow up on my new hearing aids. Lunch in the excellent hospital canteen.

Tiggy didn't eat all his supper, but there was more than usual. So he's OK.

Have a happy day everyone.


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That's Brighton, they can afford the Champagne - we'd be lucky to see the dregs of the Healey cider barrels in our local oppy or, even worse, the dregs of Buckfast tonic....
oh has appeared and is demanding best jump now...see you all later xx
Thanks a monoglot Englishman, living in Wales, I need subtitles on Ceefax sometime on AB !
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Have a happy day minty. xxxxx

Up here for the goodly apple juice DT.
things are just afoot here too, so better be moving....Have a good day all...
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Have a good'un DT. :o}
hello all. it is a bit breezy out there. i expect you have all been blown away by now.
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Morning LJ. Still clinging on here!

How are you?
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Time to go. have a happy day everyone.
Morning. LJ, I was nearly blown out my bedroom by the gust of wind that came through the window. It's pretty gnarly out there!

Everyone good today?

Morning Lj, had to hold the dogs down along the S/Front Path today, just a tad breezy!
have been out and feel very buffeted. bright and sunny at the moment but not sure if I want to get blown hither and thither. what excuse can I use not to battle with the elements?
Hope all goes well for you boaty. x

morning diz, morning balders.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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