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Ok It's Taking The **** But Why Do They Rise To It?

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ToraToraTora | 15:43 Mon 04th May 2015 | News
39 Answers
Why does Islam take itself sooo seriously?


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1ozzy, just from him not posessing the beard "as big as a man's fist" as required for the honouring of The Prophet, probably what we might call a moderate. nevertheless, clearly subservient to his religion, as Islam demands (one definition of the word islam is "submit").
1ozzy , As one ‘moderate’ Muslim recently said, “referring to me as a ‘moderate’ is an insult” – or words to that effect. Islam cannot be compared to any other religion.
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Mushroom, Islam means 'submission'.
1ozzy, //I don't dislike you yet //

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1ozzy, oh, I see. I never understood why disagreement in non-personal discussion results in personal animosity.... but for some it appears to.

Enjoy your dinner.
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I know a few muslims and all that praying on the train cobblers is cobblers. There is provision for missing prescribed prayer times for reasons of practicality, as there is for fasting during Ramadan for example. So this guy was an attention seeking idiot.
TTT, from the description given, the individual sounds like a convert - and converts are usually the ones who like to make a big deal out of letting everyone else know their new-found faith - attention-seeking behaviour as you say.
1ozzy, I don’t think one mould fits all, but I do know that people who consider Islam to be simply a religion like any other don’t understand Islam.
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In all fairness naomi, I am pretty much like that. As all religion is in comprehensible to me I find it very difficult to understand though I am grateful to Andy in this and past threads has made me understand a lot better that muslims have their religion deeply woven into their soul more so than say an enthusiastic Christian.
Thanks Tora - appreciated.
TTT, //I am grateful to Andy in this and past threads has made me understand a lot better that muslims have their religion deeply woven into their soul more so than say an enthusiastic Christian.//

Dubious reliability. Andy-Hughes has formulated his own opinions, but by his own admission his scant knowledge of Islam emanates solely from media sources and from knowing one Muslim personally.
Naomi - //Dubious reliability. Andy-Hughes has formulated his own opinions, but by his own admission his scant knowledge of Islam emanates solely from media sources and from knowing one Muslim personally. //

Your point is a fair one, but that does not mean that the information I have offered, and which Tora has received, is not accurate.

I have scant knowledge of the world's physiology, but I can offer a fact that the earth is round, and this is still a true fact.
//I can offer a fact that the earth is round//

It would be difficult to get that one wrong.
You don’t expect to stumble over Muslims praying in a stairwell at a football ground midway through a Cup tie - will the next demand be prayer rooms at Premier League grounds ?

Praying for their team to win I expect.

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Ok It's Taking The **** But Why Do They Rise To It?

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