Hello Evian, sorry I haven't seen this before. We moved dog and 14 yr-old cat in March. I had cat (Minnie) in her carrier sitting on the passenger seat so that she could see me and with the seat-belt round it.
The journey involved a short trip to Poitiers (1 hr) after being in the carrier for a couple of hours to enable house-clearing. Then an overnight stay in an hotel room, so out from carrier for the evening, but back in it overnight and another hour free in the morning.
This preceded a 7-and-a-half hour drive to Boulogne-sur-mer, another night in an hotel and then the next day was the Chunnel crossing and the drive up to very nearly the east coast of Yorkshire. I then popped her into a cattery for a few days until the move into the new house was complete.
I had been very worried about this, but a friend had moved 2 cats and said that they just blanked it all out and went to sleep. That was what happened. She sailed through it and is happily wandering around new house and garden now. No sedation needed, just the familiar blanket and limit food. Good luck, I'm sure the move will be OK, I'd worry more about the other 2 cats. :)