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Deportation Of Economic Immigrants

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Canary42 | 06:21 Wed 13th May 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I see the Home Secretary wants to deport economic immigrants.

Should be interesting if Scotland leaves the UK.


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P.S. Don't take my remark too seriously ;-)
"She's got it, I think she has got it" (my fair lady). If SNP of EU dispute Theresa May they could end up with extra share of migrants.
this has been discussed previously. scotland's attitude to immigration is very different to the national view, and the administration in Edinburgh needs immigrants to grow the economy. if scotland achieve independence, a condition of independent membership of the EU may be signing up to Schengen, which could provide a "back door" to the residual UK, depending on the border controls (if any) initiated between scotland and its

as stated, it will be interesting.
and that should be interesting how ?
it will be interesting to see how ms may and her department dea;l with stuff that's almost totally outwith her control. she promise the earth - it's not hers to promise.
Until UK exits the E.U. Theresa May is powerless to do what she 'Wants'.
Meanwhile; reports in this morning's German press that large numbers of Ethiopian (economic) migrants are travelling by train and road through the Brenner pass en route to Germany and some no doubt onwards to the UK with really nothing to stop them, the Italians being glad to see them go of course.
It has been noted that Ethiopians in the UK are as a group the most benefit dependant and least likely to assimilate into the host nation.
Theresa be prepared.
In the 'Olden Days' The Channel stopped most things. The E.U. has well and truly castrated the 'Great' out of 'Great Britian'
"... if scotland achieve independence, a condition of independent membership of the EU may be signing up to Schengen"

There's no "may" about it. All new EU members must agree to Schengen (and, incidentally, adopt the euro). There is no opt out.

And it will be interesting because migrants will have unfettered access to Scotland and, unless rigorous border checks are instituted, will be free to jump on the Virgin Express from Glasgow Central to Euston.

However, we're a long way off that because (a) the UK has to quit the EU; (b) Scotland has to gain independence and (c) the most unlikely - Scotland has to be admitted to the EU (after Albania, Iceland, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, that is).
//Mrs May said there was a need to distinguish between those fleeing persecution and economic migrants …..//

A third distinction needs to be made – how many of the people, mostly young men, arriving in Europe by boat, are allied to IS? A silent invasion?
Do you think N.J.? where there's a will there's a way. £££££££££££££££££££
lets get rid of the murders and rapists first. To start with they should never be allowed here in the the first place, their criminal record in their own country should be enough to stop them entering UK & doing it all again.

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