So, Canary42, you object to Fareham Council choosing to adopt the Welborne Plan?
Perhaps you would have preferred them to create some afordable housing for local people?
Oh, hang on a moment, that's exactly what the Welborne Plan does!
Quote 1:
"Meeting the needs of those in the Fareham area who cannot access the housing market is one of the key priorities of the Council and is an important objective for Welborne. Delivering new affordable housing is vital in achieving sustainable development and Welborne provides a rare opportunity for the Borough to deliver a significant number of affordable homes and to make a real contribution towards addressing the current backlog of housing need".
Quote 2:
"Development at Welborne shall provide a total of 30% affordable housing (approximately 1,800 homes) with an initial tenure split of 70% affordable or social rent and 30% intermediate tenures".