Ireland. Can You Really Be This Stupid!! in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Ireland. Can You Really Be This Stupid!!

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Gavmacp | 10:12 Thu 14th May 2015 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I find humour in the sickest of things so when I don't it speaks volumes to me.
Ireland is voting on same sex marriage which to be quite frank I don't care about.
Now something I don't know how I feel about is same sex couples bringing up children...But
Something I saw which made me see red was from the No campaign. It was a poster which read "Children deserve a mother and a father".
Are there people around that believe life is as simple as that because from my experience it is NOT!!!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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The view of some Irish people about gay marriage is a tricky one.

It is based on their religious beliefs.

At what point, and how far, do we tell people that they have to drop their religious beliefs because they have no place in a modern, educated society?

And, if people sincerely hold a belief, should they be vilified, simply because that belief is demonstrably outdated?

For instance ...

"I believe than only a man and a woman should marry, because the Bible says so"

"That is wrong, and you can no longer hold that belief. You must change"

"I believe that the world is overseen by a supernatural being who will reward us if we obey His rules"

"That is wrong, and you can no longer hold that belief. You must change"

"I believe that this supernatural being has chosen representatives on Earth through whom He sends His instructions"

"That is wrong, and you can no longer hold that belief. You must change"

"I think priests and the clergy should be treated with respect, because they are our means of communication with the supernatural being"

"That is wrong, and you can no longer hold that belief. They are clearly all fraudsters and charlatans. You must change"

The fact is, either people's religious-based views are treated with respect, and we do not abuse them for holding those views ...

Or, we just come clean, and tell them that any views based purely on religion are simply valueless, and cannot be taken into consideration.

What we do all too often is try to adapt religion, and say "yep, these bits still apply, and those bits don't"
No idea what he fuss is about.
Unless very naughty children do not deserve a mother and father.
I don't agree that two males should be able to adopt or have a surrogate child, just not right IMHO.
And two people of the same sex getting married is just barmy.
Every babe has a mother & father, how else are they conceived? Same sex partnerships & rearing children is acceptible. I find the concept of 'marriage' between same sex a misnomer. Betrothed seems to fit imo
I would happily treat the religious beliefs of others with respect......if they just got on with living their own lives according to those beliefs and didn't assume they had the god given right to interfere with those who didn't share their beliefs.

I don't know many Catholics who follow the teachings of their church without changing the bits that don't suit them or their lifestyle....and this business of sinning with the knowledge that confession on Saturday will sort the sin out for you is laughable.

We shouldn't be having to vote on whether others should marry and be happy in a relationship........and to consider voting No is a bit twisted in my opinion.....x

You know the more I think about this now the angrier I get......my mother would have voted NO.....to think she, and others like her, are having a say in this is crazy.
Thanks Gness, you've said everything I wanted to say, but put it so much better
The Irish are obviously not as PC as us English are forced to be, and are not afraid to say what they actually think
What they are told to think!

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