jim may correct me but you may have under-interpreted the use of the word 'observed'. Jim did mention detector equipment and it almost goes without saying that particle physicists are dealing with things which cannot be seen by the human eye.
If a detector works by monitoring for perturbations in an electromagnetic field, say, then the particle unavoidably feels the influence of that field.
So I have often wondered whether the whole thing was just a 'truism', that it is impossible to observe (measure) behaviours at the atomic scale without deploying fields and forces which, inevitably, influence its behaviour. Whoever thought it up was just trying to get across the idea that what we *measure* has been influenced by the act of measurement and thus all behaviours observed are slightly distorted.
Hence, we can only draw up mathematical models of the "slightly distorted" behaviour, as opposed to unadulterated, "natural" behaviour.
The upshot is that some fundamental truths may be permantly beyond our grasp because we have that horrible choice of looking but blotting out the effect by doing so or don't look and miss it anyway.
But we don't require absolute truths, we only need a good working understanding of the innards of the universe and we can do marvelous things like converse over the internet.
Anyway, summing up, the observation thing is not about some mystical property of the eye, sending particles or signals out, to let a distant object know it is being observed.
Although the problem I have accepting the existence of 'gravitons' could be encapsulated in a communication setup of that ilk. :0)