Why, when you wear black or dark clothes, do you get white bits on them, and when you wear white or light clothes, you get dark bits on them? Just wondered.
It's all colours and always there - so your pink skin will show up dark colours, and if your wear a lot of navy things, from shreddies to jumpers, the fibres will attach to sweat then seep down into your belly button. be interesting to see if dark-pigmented Ab-er can confess to pink or orange fluff.
We once had a lovely multicoloured calico cat, we had not a shred of clothing or furniture without its cat hair.
Are you now the person who decides what we must all wear? Do I need your approval before donning my new pink tutu? Plaase don't tell me that I've shaved down there for nothing!
"it is blue as that is the natural colour of the cotton which forms your clothing. the sweat caught in your belly-button helps the blue diffuse from the cotton into the fluff, giving the familiar sight" to which, one adds
"the sky is blue - there are more particles of blue in the atmosphere which makes any colour of fluff appear blue to the eye."