Monday. It's raining, plenty of it, but very fine drops, if you know what I mean. Odd.
Tiggy thought it was his birthday, all the fat trimmings off the beef joint. He got stuck into it like he hadn't eaten for a week! I thought it would be a case of eat half, go on patrol then come back for the rest. Not a chance! He scoffed the lot in one go, didn't bother with the patrol and went back to bed. Good timing; it started raining about ten minutes later!
Oz, crossed posts there, got some grass cutting to do if it stays dry, car to wash (maybe?) Papers to read/crosswords to do then walk the legs off the hounds again.
At the moment it's not too bad, they're all modern 3 bed semis, we've got good Tenants who look after them, some are Ex Service mates of mine, and we all tick along together quite well.
Sounds like you have set yourselves up nicely Balders, good on you.
Time I went and warmed up the dinner I've made, 3 others to feed.
Thanks for the chat, have a good day.
Bye for now.