I don't think I understand the parameters of a NI stop, compared to standard UK rules. Clearly things are more serious there but the whole thing about orders, fine and points, is completely new to me. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, as the saying goes but I seem to have had amazing luck, given my level of ignorance about it.
Anyway, what I really don't understand is why so many contributors rate DD's problem as trivial. A public official was subjecting him to "special treatment". I have no idea what it is about DD's car or appearance which meant he could be singled out from a distance (when I look at other cars, the occupants's faces are hard to pick out, through reflections etc), so what do people think that was?
Some level of prejudice must be in effect, with that officer. Or was he acting in the interests of DD's safety, thinking he was a Protestant heading into a Catholic area or vice versa?
p.s. Khandro thinks you were saying it was midnight. Was it actually midday? (you said 12pm, which means midday, to me).