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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:51 Wed 20th May 2015 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Wednesday. A clear sky this morning. Looking good! :o} Yesterday's deluge didn't happen here. The wind was cold though.

Tiggy has only just gone to bed, he had a goodly wander round, paid his visit two doors along but was back quite quickly, so not many slugs and snails along there.

Put the rubbish out and then a haircut today. High living or what! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.



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Morning balders. All is well then! :o} Sunny here too.

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That's about right tam. It was the base of the Knights of St. John.
Morning all !

Very sunny this morning and no wind, so looks good. May is an important month for my family.....our Mum died 19 years ago on the 1st Bank Holiday, and Dad died 16 years ago, on the 2nd Bank Holiday. So today its a short drive down to the graves, with some flowers. Beautiful view from the cemetery, over Swansea Bay, so its always a pleasure to visit.

We have a wonderful collection of Azaleas, and Rhododendrons near-by, so the Yorkshire Wolfhound and myself will be having our walkies there as well.

Just hope it stays dry !
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Morning mikey. That sounds like a lovely place. I hope it stays dry for you.
Morning all - well my pc died yesterday, a month ahead of I to get one, however 1/3rd off a top Asus was welcomed - the thing that my PC specialist did was take the disc from the old one to the new one with the BIOs wired across etc - as a bridge to Windows 10. However back I go in an hour as my cursor is bouncing around, Word - I can't type, only read, my documents locked in, Adblock doesn't work, neither Firefox (a back-up).

Death of the old one was the disc reader caput, the wifi yesterday a.m. - and the screen was coming away! So poorer I am!

Sunny here though.
WMB did you know General Hall as your CO?
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Morning DT. Ain't technology wonderful! Not!! :o}

Never came across the top brass tam, I, along with a few others, was there for only a short three month stand in for a section that came back to UK for some reason or other.

Morning DTC,
Morning wbmxxx and all xxx lot brighter today wind gone thank goodness. Going for my busy lizzy plants today . Tubs are ready .
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Morning wendi xxx Yup, it's supposed to be warm and sunny today. ;o}
the cursor is driving me nuts!
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A serious word with your poota man DT
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Time to make a move. Have a happy day everyone. :o}

have a good day wbm.
Morning all, minty your lucky the guy came just before 6pm I waited home all day for a non existant meter reader after booking for this auspicious occasion three weeks beforehand ! when I rang British Gas and after several attempts actually spoke to "a person" he told me their systems were down ring back tomorrow !
Gozo is lovely and we were staying in Valetta, a knock on our hotel room door and there was a 60 something gentleman in shorts politely asked could he take a look from our balcony, we said come in, have a drink etc and he was most interested in the view from the balcony during conversation CS twigged he was an author who was a pilot in WW2 and had written a book about it and CS had read said book, well they became chums and we all went out to dinner.
DTC...go back to that place in Truro, and don't leave until they fix it !
they are pretty good and he did say that if there were some issues to drop back in - I didn't really want to take on W8 for, what, about 10 weeks and he thought that this would be a quick-fix solution.
well time to be moving, I guess, have a good day all....

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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