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Earthquake In Kent

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dunnitall | 06:38 Fri 22nd May 2015 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Good morning, just wondering if any of the Abers in Kent felt the earthquake in the early hours and if so I trust they and their properties are okay?


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Maybe I should move to Kent.
The earth hasn't moved for me in quite some time ;-)
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Me neither 1ozzy lol
Aw! commiserations lads.
Sorry about that.... Did the earth MOVE for you as well ??
I am widow the earth doesn't ever move for me !
Saw this on the morning news. Not sure why it was newsworthy. The UK does have small quakes from time to time.
Some of this morning's GMEB thread is relevant:

We're about 6 mls North of Canterbury on the Coast and 18-20 mls West of Sandwich, wasn't aware of anything here. We've got a house in Sandwich(empty atm) which is being modernised so one of us will drive down later and have a look at it. But think we would have heard from the neighbours if anything was obviously wrong.

As the epicentre was on the coast it could have been caused by a boatload of illegal immgrants jumping ashore.
## Earthquake In Kent ##

Cant believe this made the news, it was no more than a fart.
I see from the related question below , that there was a previous one in Kent in 2007 .

Has Kent got it's own San Andreas Fault ?
Actually, Bazile, the south-east of England is possibly the part of the UK least likely to suffer earthquake activity.

Keep clicking the 'forward' button here to see where seismological disturbances have occurred in the UK since 1970:
A friend of mine suggested it was all the UKIP members rushing to vote against the re-election of Nigel Farage as UKIP leader that caused it.

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