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Someone Had To Change The Lightbulb!!

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Caran | 23:14 Tue 26th May 2015 | ChatterBank
19 Answers


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Blimey, he wasn't wearing a parachute either.

Wow, that's great, would love to do it, but too 'mature' nowadays!
Thanks for posting it.
and if he used one of those cheap bulbs from Poundland he'll be changing it again next week.

I suppose some day the drone will actually change the light instead of just filming the procedure.
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A lightbulb was the cause of my electricity tripping. We had set the lamps to come on Automatically each night. The bulb in one had blown, hence no electric, hence freezer defrosting!!
I'm surprised that it didn't just trip the lighting ring that the blown bulb was on, Caran.
I wonder how many ABers would climb to the top of the mast but then think "I know I came up here for something but I've now forgotten what is was"

If the board's protected by an ELCB instead of individual MCBs then the whole lot could easily go off, Tony.
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It tripped everything, phones all dead, tv not recorded since 19/5, freezer off, but only did downstairs things. Upstairs ok, ie alarm locks all still working.
Strange that, Caran. It usually just knocks out the lighting ring that the blown bulb is on.
Oh hang on though, Caran. You said lamp, if the lamp is plugged into a socket then yes it would that ( downstairs ring of sockets out ) ring of sockets out.
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Tony I'm not technically minded at all. All I know is the state of the freezer!
Sorry to hear about the freezer, Caran. Any luck with insurance ?.
tch.... Staff today cant do any job without their FB selfie update! tv licence

Yeah, before they take your tv set away tambo ;-)
Wish they would Tony.....its all repeat programs.
Know what you mean, tambo. There's some right rubbish being shown lately.
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Yes Tony, I phoned this morning, I gave a rough estimate, they agreed my figure less excess, say a payment will be in my account in three days. I thought they might have sent someone out to inspect, but no. I could have inflated it by a heck of a lot but didn't. I have found it really sad though. There were things I had made and frozen, lots of part packs of things. We could have lived out of the freezer for at least a month, legs of lamb, steaks, pork chops, lamb chops, chicken etc.
Aw, at least you have some compensation though, Caran.
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Agreed tony.

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