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About Right Or Too Generous?

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sherrardk | 20:16 Sat 30th May 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Boy #1 has occasionally let my friend's dogs out and kept them company in the past and she has given him the odd bar of chocolate, sweets, etc in lieu of payment. Her circumstances have changed so she would like boy #1 to do this on a more regular basis and she wants to pay him. I told her to sort this out with him and they have agreed on £5 a time. He did his first official stint tonight and was there for about an hour. Does £5 seem too much or about right?


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About right, imo.
Spot on I'd say...
Hey sherr, that's something that your friend and boy number one have sorted between themselves. Your friend must be happy with the arrangement.
As long as she's sure he won't spend it all on chocolate, become morbidly obese, contract Type 2 Diabetes and end up on Metformin.
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I knew she was going to offer £5, but I wanted to check if people thought it was too much - obviously a teenager is not going to turn it down. He won't spend it on chocolate and sweets (I provide them). He is actually v savvy with money (he follows his mum).
I think that the amount is about right.
The National Minimum Wage for those under-18 is £3.79 per hour. (Yes, I know that, because he's not yet reached school leaving age, your son doesn't actually qualify for the NMW anyway but I'm just using it as a reference point).

So a fiver for an hour seems reasonably generous but (as long as he's happy to accept that amount irrespective of whether he's there for exactly an hour or perhaps closer to an hour and a half on a few occasions, depending upon your friend's requirements) it sounds about right to me.
it is about right
min wage is £6.89 isnt it ?

I pay around £10 / h for someone to clean my house ( because I want it cleaned )
if he wants to spend it all on wocco that is OK innit ?

( yeah yeah I know s/o is gonna write 'what's wocco ?'
If she can afford it and he is happy I think its fine. I would pay quite a lot more than that if I could find someone I could trust with my two maniacs. In this case I think its not so much how long it takes but the responsibility he is taking on and that he has the special skills for the job.
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Go on then, what's 'wocco'? (If it's tobacco he wouldn't think twice about it, he's got too much sense.)

The dogs love him and he is tasked with unlocking/locking her house back up. I think it's probably about right but didn't want to be clouded by my mam instinct or putting my friend in an awkward spot of any kind. I am comfortable with the amount based on all your response. Thank you :)
Isn't it good that she's got someone she can trust to look after her dogs ....

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