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Spacestation Sightings This Evening

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wendilla | 18:31 Thu 04th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
1st sighting. 10. 02 pm for 6 mins. SW departing E

2nd sighting 11. 38 pm for 6 mins W departing E



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Sunny, clear blue skies all hopefully should get a view later.

Thanks wendilla x
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Same here . Last 2 nights have been good .
We got a lovely view straight over the sea with expansive sky so should be able to get a nice sighting.....the thing is.... if I remember, as a couple of nights ago I told you I would see the first passing and totally forgot about it....I will set my watch alarm for about 9.55pm, wendilla, so I dont miss it. :-) x
Clear skies here in Belfast, too. I'll set a reminder on my phone.
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Yes yogi bear I am lucky to live in an area which is not built up . Plenty of clear sky all round .

Thanks, last night was brilliant!
Lovely clear view - not quite dark here outside The Fox, but still bright and shiny.
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Lovely clear view over Leicestershire .

The 22:02 was brilliant here (N/Kent)!
Missed it by a few minutes (busy and forgot!) but went out and watched bats flying round the back garden instead!
Excellent views.....that was nice....still lightish sky, not dark yet, when passing....thanks wendilla for your reminders x

I'm hitting the hammock.....good night, wendilla, and all :-)
Super view in clear sky. It kinda drops out of the sky, not viewable from horizon, why?
It moves into shadow.

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Spacestation Sightings This Evening

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