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'it Would Your Heart Good', Was A Phrase I Used To Hear Years Ago.

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sandyRoe | 07:02 Tue 09th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Apart from the slaves chorus from Nabucco what other pieces of music fall into this category?


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Do your heart good^

one of my most favourite pieces

another I love

another !!!
well sandy you have had the good luck the mystical ( from MM ) and now the educational ... or as the standard ABer might say without reading further, gibberish

new subject called anthropology of christianity - 15th birthday today apparently and its here

I have marked the section ( the whole mag is about it ) where they discuss the sacred heart of Jesus and its symbolism. and indeed "cardia" comes up in the OT

and yeah you shouldnt have put in Nabucco as there is a section about the 400BC view of the heart being the OT centre of the soul.[ Nabucco OT see ? ]. 350BC is when the Hebrew bible was translated into Greek in Alexandria and since 70 scholars did it and came up with exactly the same text it is called the septuagint, That to some extent why there is a cultural link to the heart as a controller ( anthropology is to some extent about cultures - where they come from and where they go to ) and the craxy RCs get their OT from an english translation of the septuagint - prods, direct word of God I think

enjoy -

apolz to every one else - far too high brow - I blame Sandy for putting in Nabucco....I wouldnt have written this otherwise

The great oratorio, 'The Creation' (Die Schopfung) by Franz Joseph Haydn.
Theresien Messe ?
all of it

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I couldn't do a link this morning but there seems to be evidence that particular pieces of music are more efficacious than others.
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PP, we have a duty to both amuse and educate in our posts here in AB ☺
yes yes indeed
I try to do my bit
Well, obviously, almost anything by Wagner (although I do have to agree both with Va Pensiero from Sandy, and the Intermezzo from Cav from Minty). But, for current purposes, let's go with the overture from Rienzi.
I might suggest The Flower Duet, except it's been hijacked by British Airways, so I'm not going to post that one.
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Tawdry commercialism can't taint it.
Oh yeah !

ride of the valkyries

( used in the attack scene in Apocalypse Now - when Col Killgore ( who was real apparently ) flatten a viet village )
Okay, okay, but can I at least post the Elina and Anna clip ...
(apparently not!)
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We're looking for tranquility here not alarums

But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;

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