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1471 Again

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Caran | 23:32 Tue 09th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
It's gone funny again. When I dial it I got "there are currently no calls in the list". It was working fine yesterday. I know there should be calls listed as my daughter rang me last night. Any thoughts?


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Could some one erase the last call un be knowing to you?
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No, I'm on my own at the moment.
I had same problem with my 1471 number, so I contacted Talk Talk they got a engineer to look into it and it has been OK since. I suggest calling your provider see if they can help.
Did you answer your daughter's call? I had a phone that did not store answered call numbers.

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I am also with TalkTalk so I will contact them tomorrow. Thanks for the info magicmick
Just realised that you used 1471 - ignore my answer.
Good luck caran I found them very helpful.
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Thanks magicmick
Doesn't your phone remember calls received?
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Hopkirk, my phone has always reacted to 1471 by telling me about last call received even if it was a week ago. It started this not recognising last calls last week, then it went ok and now it has started again.
1471 is a BT feature to tell you who called, not a feature of your phone.

Some phones also store a list of who called, but you would have to read the manual about how to interrogate it.

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1471 Again

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