When I was about ten I learned that the Earth was not quite round and wondered where the point farthest from the centre might be.
I calculated the radius change to compensate for latitude and realised that being close to the Equator was most important. Checked the list of highest mountains in my atlas and came up with Mt Chimborazo.
Very different when we didn't have the Internet where it could just be looked up. I would have loved to have the internet when I was a kid.
// I calculated the radius change to compensate for latitude and realised that being close to the Equator was most important.//
blimey - well done !
I tried flattened ball to my Geog master and he said " no - sphere " and it was the beginning of my realisation that masters said no to pupils to school them for life or they said no because they didnt know the answers
I was a bit young for "oblate spheroid"
and in the early sixties - where to get the answers w/o the internet
set of encyclopaedias was a good start ...
awful time - not one of the masters from primary skool would I want to meet again