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Avatars And Names !

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mikey4444 | 08:47 Tue 23rd Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I can see the avatars this morning but no names underneath. It was OK 10 mins ago ! This happens on a regular basis....does anyone know why ?

I am using CHROME, if that is helpful.


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i use chrome but don't have that problem
Happens to me occasionally, usually if I have multiple tabs open that have pictures and videos, eg: news sites.
Close chrome and come back, all fixed.
I love Chrome Mikey, the onlt problem I've encountered is that the font size will change by itself, although I dunno if that's a problem with Chrome, or this piece of poo laptop with its mad-sensitive touch pad :(
I've even bought a mouse to use instead, but by habit I keep using the touchpad....:(

x x
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Well, I exited out of CHROME, and its now OK !

Curiouser and curiouser !
It never happens if I'm using our "you beaut" PC Mikey, but I'm last in line here ;-(.
Only when I'm on one of the old lappys it happens, I think it's to do with "lack of resources", ie: memory, cpu power etc.

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Avatars And Names !

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