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Justgiving Awards 2015

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Mamyalynne | 11:32 Sun 07th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Hi everyone - as we all know from time to time we hear of wonderful people doing amazing things to raise lots of money for Charity.

Often they are family members of our own and sometimes they are connected with our own AB Members - now is the time if you wish to nominate them for this award.

One recent brave young lady was Olivia, daughter of our own Captain2, who raised money for a cause dear to her and her families heart.

You may know of others and wish to nominate them , they ask for no reward for themselves but a bit of recognition is to be applauded I feel.

Thanks for reading. x



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Done, Mamya....Olivia certainly deserves it....not only for the money she raised but for jumping out of a plane at all!....x
Done, Mamya.
Question Author
Great stuff!!
Ooh!! Thanks for reminder an email about that..shall go + sort it now ;)

x x
Question Author
Ta Baths, yes I have had a few emails about these awards too as I have sponsored/donated a few times recently.

Nice to give a bit of recognition back.
HI Lynne, It takes me to the same Facebook page.
Mamya you're an angel :0))

Danny, yes it is a Facebook page but you don't have to log in; you can just fill in your details and press submit at the bottom of the page. (So Liv says anyway!)

Seems to want me to sign up to FB, that's not going to happen even for Charity.
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Not got my wings yet Captain.

You don't have to join Facebook to vote.
Hi all, its Liv!

Thank you very much Mamya for everything.
To anyone that would like to nominate me, if you click on the link above that Mamya posted in the intial post. It will then take you to facebooks site (no need to log in).. just scroll down the page and theres a button that says 'Nominate a Fundraiser'. Click that button. A form will then come up (its via JustGivings page on facebook). You don't need to log in or anything; you just need to fill in the form below. Its the bit where it says 'Name' and 'Email' and 'About the person you're nominating'.When youve filled in the form, theres a button at the bottom that says 'submit', just click that and its done!

I hope that makes sense to all.

Thank you, Liv x
Done Mamya x
Question Author
More the merrier . x
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Done, with pleasure :-)
Done and well done her.....
Question Author
Yay, great guys !

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