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Heat Wave In Pakistan

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mikey4444 | 09:28 Wed 24th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Apparently its 45C out there.......Flipping heck !

I was in Death Valley, in California 20 years ago, and it was about 42C, 108F and we thought that was unbearable. I burnt my hand, touching the door handle of our rental car ! But at least we had air con, which is more than these poor people have in Pakistan.

Has anybody else got any stories about massive temperatures ?



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42 is chilly for Death Valley :-)
It regularly tops 50C there (!)
Question Author mates and I stayed there for 3 nights, back in 1992, and it was the most amazing place. I had never been anywhere like that before.

It was so hot, that I remember running from our rental car, to the Motel as quick as we could, just to stay in an AC place ! But it is very beautiful there. The scenery is wonderful. And in September when we were there, it not too busy, as lots of places are shut until the winter season.

Here are some photos :::;rlz=1I7ADFA_en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&;source=univ&sa=X&ei=zW2KVez1KImZ7Abq2q_QBw&ved=0CCEQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=726

I would love to go back sometime. In the same trip, we went to he Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon ( my favourite ! ) and Yosemite.
Many years ago a mate and I,fed up with the miserable weather we'd been getting in the summers, decided to venture further afield,so off we went to Turkey which was not at the time a popular tourist target.Typical of the weather in this country of we flew off looking for the sun in mid August '76 the hottest summer on record.
I`ve been in Doha when it`s been hotter than that. I could actually feel the heat on my eyeballs.
Question Author
My nephew has worked in Dubai before and he says that the only people you see on the streets during the day are very poor people, mostly migrant workers. Everybody else is indoors somewhere, either at home, or in one of the Malls.

Places like these have become tourist destinations these days, although I am not sure why. If its so hot, you have to stay indoors, then I fail to see the attraction.

Another story from our road trip in 1992 ::::: we thought we would see if you really could fry an egg on the bonnet of the rental car ! The only oil we had was sump oil and yes, it did fry ! But we then spent the next week trying to get the horrible mess off the car, before we took it back to LAX. We eventually found a Yankie kind of Halfords and bought some T-Cut !

That area of the West Coast is wonderful for a road trip holiday, and I can thoroughly recommend a visit. But do a self drive trip, not a ruddy coach holiday ! There are plenty of cheap Motels and if you go off-season, ie after Labour Day, you will miss all the crowds and the weather will still be wonderful.

Don't ignore LA by the way...fascinating city.
The COLDEST I've been is minus 50 C and the hottest plus 45 C both in the same Province in Canada within six months. I would rather be too cold than too hot but humidity comes into the comfort factor in both heat and cold. We had a heatwave in Canada of days and days at 35 C . We then came on holiday to the UK who were having a spell of warm weather -around 27-30C and we could not stand the humidity it was effecting our breathing and our clothes felt damp all the time.
I went to Thailand and it was 40 plus everyday.

It only took a couple of days for us to get used to it.
So that's why they are wanting to come to the UK, to have cooler weather, that makes sense. Could someone tell Farage that and his hordes, as well as to EDL.....they could up the temperature here as it has been bloody freezing down here in the SW this summer so far.

Hottest for me +50C in Kuwait, coldest -36 in Canada (and Minnesota).
I don't really like anything over 20c!

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