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What Sort Of Things Do You Find In Your Garden?

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lady-janine | 08:22 Wed 24th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I would be the first to admit that parts of my garden is not as pristine and cared for as some of you manage. the bushes are not neatly trimmed (they resemble dense jungle and the grasses are a little high (only just above the waist) but the weeds are flowering well and the bees like them.

however i thought it might be time to dust off the strimmer so had a quick look round. and mrs pheasant has made herself a nest in the middle of it so that's it. it will just have to stay as it I for the next couple of months.

any unexpected finds in your gardens?


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A stag beetle on Saturday. It didn't look good yesterday and has gone this morning. Hope he found a mate.
stag beetles. I have also seen just once a noble chafer which are quite rare now
Dammit!!! That's where they went, Ael.....should have put two and two together......or maybe tooth and tooth......x
I found a plastic shuttlecock in the garden on Saturday so threw it over the fence into the garden that I think it came from. 2 hours later one of my cats brought it back into the house :-)
I have a 'wild' section that I leave alone for wildlife and I notice a blackberry bush has grown there and the lovely white flowers are attracting bees - great !
Best ever was where we lived before ,one night the whole of my oh,s chipping net full of golf balls was empty the next morning . A year later we had to 're turf part of the lawn that had died ...yep all the golf balls were there buried singly ....that Must have been some night for the squirrel .
I keep wild corners too chaptazbru. It seems only fair.
Half a bag of chips. A bright pink ball. A large rubber duck.
Some unidentified thing in a black plastic bag yesterday.
When we were originally digging the garden when we moved in, we found that somebody had buried a bath in it.
Last summer there was just my eldest son and me in at home and out in the garden having a drink and a chat, when my son said to me "Dad, Why is there a tortoise over in the bushes? up and went to have a closer look, and could have sworn it was our neighbours pet......went round there and door opened and asked if their tortoise was there....they said it had escaped two days before and they were so distressed they didnt tell neighbours to look out for they were so happy to have her back.
I didnt tell them that the direction she was heading for was taking her under an iron gate and towards the beach, so she could have stowed away to France, perish the thought.
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lol. love that yogi.

see queenies thread to see what i found in the garden late afternoon. not much damage done thankfully. they were very small and had got under the farmer's gate. one fell in the pond but we got it out and it ran back to mum. so no harm done.

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