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Feeling Very Dodgy

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ruthandsam | 21:04 Fri 26th Jun 2015 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Ever since I ate yoghurt on Wednesday ive had flu like symptoms, belly ache and the runs.

What's the best course of action please?


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Go,to the doctors.
Drink lots & lots of water. Yoghurt in date?
it can upset some stomachs but it's odd if it wasn't out of date and you've eaten it before. I'd give it another day; usually, food poisoning (if that's what it is) would be working out of your system properly by then. If you're still poorly tomorrow afternoon I'd try dialling 111.
Drink plenty of distilled water to flush out any germs.
Hope you feel better soon.
I doubt it's the yoghurt that caused it.

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Feeling Very Dodgy

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