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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 22:06 Sun 28th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
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Here's another of his songs.
Bathsheba,he did loads of songs and was acknowledged as one of the finest folk singer/song writers of the last century, there's a story about the First Time Ever First Time Iever Saw Your Face in that he was challanged to write a song for his girl friend later his wife Peggy Seagar to perform at a concert she was doing in about an hours time The story goes that he thought about for a few minutes jotted the words down on the back of a beer mat whistled the tune and produced one of the finest love songs ever written.I don't know if it's true or just a legend but I do like to think it's true. Another of his is Dirty Old Town which has become another Folk classic
Ah yes Paddy,...I do know who he is! V interesting though,...thanks!

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Sorry he's so ugly, and yet quite the poseur!
Nite all, am tired,..'s been a busy day for me ;)

x x
Chemical Bros on BBC2
I think they would come runner up to a dog act on Britain's Got Talent.
Sofa + what I slept through this evening via Tivo box for me...;)

x x
Nah Talbot...they're not that good....
Good night everyone
s0d this I'm off to bed ...................I can't concentrate on my knitting with all this strobe lighting. night all.
Poison .. I've just downloaded this, great played loud through headphones .. love it! ...
^ Art work to that looks great on a download too!

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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