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Would You Change Any Words In This Headline?

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10ClarionSt | 11:59 Sat 04th Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
British Family Feared to Have Traveled to Syria.


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Sandy; IS have a unique method of ending suffering
yes sandy
I am sure you are right.I expect IS have an instant solution and cure for two useless mouths to feed and are are too old to serve any perverse purpose to them.

///I've noticed that Americans spell it as 'traveled' but then .........!///

That's as maybe, can't say I've seen too many Americans on this thread so far!
British family that travelled to Syria feared to be still claiming benefits.
Do they think they are going to have a two-up, two-down provided for them?
That is no shock.Last month it was on LBC radio that Jihadi John's parents are still claiming UK benefits and now live,I believe, in Algeria.They successfully sought asylum and his sister is believed to still be in a UK university.
"Could they be hoping for better health treatment there?": Surely you're not syrious?
or even syrian!!
I accept the caliphate probably couldn't even match our 27th place but this family have probably been beguiled by stories of a paradise on earth in the Middle East.
That research seems bereft of sources other than "analysts, led by a Harvard Business School academic"

I see lots of threads and posts regarding Muslims in the UK. I have to say that I very rarely see a Muslim, assuming that they all dress in their traditional garb, in the town that I live in and the other small towns nearby. Now, if I were to visit the city of Toronto it would be different obviously; however, even there, they don't seem to be as prevalent as shown in some of the photos of your major cities...What's my point? I don't know really: just thought I'd comment upon it.
Thomas Sowell: "At the center of every disaster you'll always find a Harvard man".
Obviously this family have not taken advantage of our education system and learnt to read the ruddy newspapers then.
They've probably seen honeyed words on the internet telling them not to believe the kafir press or other media.
When the caliphate collapses they'll be looking back into the UK with their tails between their legs.
Baldric; [[ ///I've noticed that Americans spell it as 'traveled' but then .........!///

That's as maybe, can't say I've seen too many Americans on this thread so far! ]]

That's also as maybe, the OP quotes it as a "headline", doesn't say from where, so it could be from an American journal - wouldn't ya say?
I can understand that. My sister has lived in and around Toronto for 40yrs.
She is at a loss as to what all the fuss is about in the UK until she visits and her eyes pop.That is just landing at Heathrow and seeing how err.....cosmopolitan it is. You are in a big country and we are in a small increasingly overcrowded country. Big difference. We have had several atrocities carried out in our small Island in the name of Allah compared to,I think, one soldier murdered at your national war memorial. Where I live on the boundary of Greater London we have mosques popping up all around.
Hope that clears up your query somewhat.
Yes, Retro, there is a drastic difference in the population and size of the two countries: 64 million and 244,000 sq km compared to 34 million and 10,000,000 sq km.
retro; I thought you lived on Malta. Am I confused?
Wouldn't wish the way we are going on Canada but Thats the Labour Party in The UK we have to thank. Small wonder they weRe trounced last election. :-)
I wish.I holiday there to relax and regain a bit of sanity.reminds me of Britain in an old way but hotter and no rat race.Dont feel a stranger in Malta but I sometimes do here. :-(

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