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How To Upset Tonyav.....

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gness | 21:14 Sun 05th Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Hi, Gness.....said the email.....what you been up to today?

Oh clearing the shed...says I....I found a huge box of MrG's thingies from work....fed up falling over them so I stuck them in carrier bags and put them out for the scrap man.....

What thingies?

Well.....John Bull Pressure Gauges......dial gauges...caliper gauges....loads of the flipping things....all measuring tools I think...though what would I be measuring with them.......☺

The phone rang.......there was spluttering.....THE SCRAP MAN!!!!! Send me photos!

So I did.....but that seemed to bring on some sort of fit.....

I thought I'd calmed him down by saying I didn't include the Huddersfield Slip Gauge Block Sets.....til I said I intended to crazy glue them together in a kind of Jenga ornament to hang in the garden.....

Tony splutters a lot, doesn't he.......☺


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A set like that would last a lifetime and still be as good and accurate after 50 years as it was the day it was made.
Precisely ( see what I did there ) EDDIE.
Question Author've certainly measured up to my expectations tonight, Tony.....x

They must be very old, Eddie.....MrG would have had them long before I met him......and they do look in fine condition....thank you for your help....x
They need to be handled with care. You should only touch them with cotton gloves on. Even the moisture from your fingers could cause corrosion if it is left . I know this sounds over the top but if they really are the top quality it is true.
EDDIE, if I told you where and how she was storing them, well you would be spluttering as much as I did !.
Question Author
Lord....I wish MrG had mentioned them instead of leaving me to find them.... we shall have words!

Some are a bit discoloured where they stand proud of the box. Was going to give them a scrub but since Eddie's post I've gently rubbed with a cotton cloth and most seems to wipe off.....x

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