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The Lazarus Effect.

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Just-Jude | 18:23 Mon 06th Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Thousands of Greeks are said to be on their way to the UK. Thomson and Thomas Cook have been using the spare capacity on their holiday flights to help with the influx.

These hard working people deserve a second chance and will be a massive asset to our country.

Why is Cameron saying he will try and block them? Are you proud to have voted this racist into power?


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Surely Olive is Joggerj's lady who does?
Ahh....JJ's slave then, Psyb...x Plato of stir fry is ready....back later....x
...and an Iliad, Daisy. La, la, la.
Tis now the time to say farewell,adieu.
I just thought I'd add a little dash of iambic pentameter...Cheers:)
JJ, you do like to be a Drachma queen.
Good night, farewell, I hope all's well with you.
(another one)
Why is the world coming on to our doorstep. We've got just about everybody here already. Australia is big, why don't they try there.......oh I forgot they have got sense and won't accept just anybody.
if Cameron can stop Greeks arriving on our shores why cant he stop the illegals at Calais ? come back Demis whatshis name, I went to see him once in Abu Dhabi he was dressed in a mini skirt with beefy thighs showing instead of a kaftan and he mimed every song what a let down and we paid megabucks to go.
Always someone to make a Drachma out of a crisis

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