Yes OK as long as they accept it is the democratic wish of the majority of the UK people who have unselfishly voted against the profligacy of a public service trade union backed party in order that our children and their children and their children's children don't have to be burdened with paying off the exponential wages, pensions and costs of our unionised public services.
Most of us around my age (60) have spent our working lives paying off the debts our government incurred during the last two World wars. I considered a privilege to do so because it was just money and not my life that I had to sacrifice for our country.
I very much think that future generations will not feel the same way about the debts that top-down (as opposed to sustainable bottom up) unionised Labour stateist economics could otherwise have left them with.
Labour's work is done- by that I meant that employees now have more rights under law than the people who employ them. We have the welfare state that has genuinely poor people from all over the world desperately trying to come here (leading even some to risk hiding in the undercarriage of a plane and dying) to get here possibly due to the BBC World Service telling them all what a wonderful place the UK is.
Labour want us to pay billions a year to the EU in return for our roads swamped with cars manufactured in the EU but outside the UK ( next to our homes the next biggest investment we make in our lives is our cars).
But most of all Labour as a political party don't know what they stand for- until that is they are told what they stand for by the unions. These relics (unions) hang on in the public services mainly these days where they have persuaded every employee in the 2 billion pounds a week NHS, the fourth largest employer in the world, that they are victims who need to strike for more money for less work.
Meanwhile, thanks to intelligent, global realist, non-idealistic voters we have a rational government that will hopefully prevent my grandchildren's children from having to live in a debt-ridden third world slum conurbation.