Sorry - new post came up in subscribed thread so will have to post about my new teeth here and hope you get it
Oh no - what I have done - I am never used to being up at this time - but I got over-confident with the new dentures and ate a bit of soft toffee last night. Later on I noticed one of the wrap around wires sticking out a bit towards my lip and of course I have done a terrible thing I took them out this morning and tried to "squeeze" them with the result I have "banjacked" the lot and can't get them in at all. Luckily I have fallen back on the old teeth to get me through the weekend and will give the dentist a call on Monday. Imagine eating bloody toffee with dentures - it is so difficult to remember my mouth is now no longer the same.
Now I can't believe what I am saying is should I have gone for the bridges - with 4 teeth drilled and crowned over my own teeth. Is that more money - but these bridges never come out - dont get me wrong I knew all about this but didn't want to weaken my own teeth. Me and teeth do not get along. I thought I would never see a dentist for the next 20 years.
I do believe anyway dentists nearly know you go back for some help.
When I first got them I thought they were hurting me and dentist told me to come in the following day but then they settled down. I know they'll fix me up. hope
Oh I'm sure they will Jenny,...I'm never away from my dentist,...she has regular skiing holidays, + has moved to lovely new building, mostly funded by me..;) x x
tambo - know what you are saying - but remember I have had all the other work done for these ones =- you know impressions, scans, deep cleaning etc etc - so I shouldnt have to go through all that again.
pretty much, jenny....porridge for breakfast/lunch, which fills me up till evening, then mince or fish pie or summagt like that for dinner,.lol! :) x x
Many people go to Turkey to have their teeth done, have met several people while I was there who had veneers done for all their teeth for about £1500, this costs MAYBE £5000 OR MORE AT HOME FOR JUST THE TOP TEETH.