lucky in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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stylinsam | 15:47 Fri 05th May 2006 | Body & Soul
14 Answers

how often does anyone sit down and think to themselves how lucky they are to be here and how nice their lifestyle is compared to people for e.g in africa who are starving and have no family no homes or a real life. i cannot believe how lucky i am soetimes iv got a fantastic family and a fantastic bf. it makes me realise how selfish i am sometimes anyone else feel the same????

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I often do, but was promptly put in my place on here for stating that people should get things into perspective instead of whining about trivial stuff.
Hello Sam!

Good question. I do think about it often. More often when I'm down and feeling sorry for myself. I realise how easy I've got it and it snaps me out of it. I'm now in a fairly new job for a very high profile company and I work for the President of the Africa Foundation. They concentrate purely on investing in Africa (particularly HIV/AIDS, Malaria & general sanitation) and it's so eye-opening at times.
i appreciate my many blessings and give thanks for them everyday.
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yeah i dont mean to put a downer on everyones day. hi champers u ok chick.

sorry if i made anybody feel uncomfortable.

Sam I hope you dont mean me? Sorry if my answer seemed short but I really did get told off badly once for making a similar suggestion! Really didnt mean anything by it. I just been in a bored mood because my bf is away, my friends are all on holiday/working/going to a wedding! Im better now just got a text from a mate inviting me to her bbq xxxxxxxxxxx
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no it wasnt applied to you alijangra i realised after i posted it it was a bit inconciderate so you go to your bbq 2nite and have fun enjoy the warm weather whilst you can because im sure it wont last long not in the uk anyway.

I frequently do and especially when my gf is moaning or complaining about something she hasn't got or can't have, I often remind her that we're A LOT better off than some people in this world - you don't even have to go as far as Africa (not that I'm saying you shouldn't) - just walk down the street and you will see homeless people with nothing.

We have a nice house, a car that starts, nice holidays yearly (sometime x2 or x3), good jobs, friends & family, nights out to the pub or a restaurant, we're both happy and healthy.... blah blah

And there are some people that haven't even got a roof over there heads, don't even get me started on the thousands that are dying of hunger/thirst (both humans and animals)

Hear! Hear! Flip-flop.

I have my moans and groans from time to time as everyone does, but I do try hard to be appreciative of what Ive got. My three children are happy and healthy, I have a nice house, a job, my health. Ive not been very lucky in love though - but hey, you cant have everything!! x

Will it be really snobby if I say I don't have to look at Africa to feel good. Any urchin-inhabited council estate makes me feel privileged or people who are forced to take the bus. My god, some haven't seen a bar of soap let alone anything constituting Vitamen C for weeks if not months.

And notice I refuse to use the word luck. In this country we make our own beds, so the poor can go and bloody well go and lie in them. Globally, if people worship some wicked religion, then they deserve to starve. If the country is governed by a moderate religion then sadly war tends to prevail over food.

Sorry to sound like such a gargantuan misery guts but I have such a good life I have to vent frustration somewhere. And sadly I am not allowed to shoot peasants.

here here Ward -minter,

i have been to some of the most run down council estates in britain and its eye opening!!

it makes me feel lucky to have the life i have,i am not rich,but there is food on the table and clothes on my back!!

Yes I think that all the time! People complain about Living in the UK but we have so many luxuries compared to people in Africa that we should be more grateful. There are some unfortunate people in the UK but we are willing to help them, for e.g homeless people: there are centres for homeless people to go to where they can get food and drink. I know we are not a perfect nation, but which other is? I think more people should be privaliged and stop complaining about the faults! I sure am!

Just be greatful to our Creator, The Almighty. Everything happens for a reason and they is a balance somehow.
Yes I often remind myself how fortunate I am, especially if I'm feeling "down". But I also believe that we are also partly responsible for own fortune or misfortune in that in our western developed environment we can choose some of our options as to whether we are poor or not. We can work hard, save up and buy our own houses and cars, or we can work hard and spend all our money on cigarettes, gambling, alcohol expensive foreign holidays and end up in debt. If two people were earning an identical wage and A took the first option and B selected the second option, would you say A was lucky and B was unlucky? Or would you say that they both had the same choices and that B deserved his fate?

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