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Travel to EU

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moon174 | 12:04 Sat 06th May 2006 | Travel
4 Answers

I have a fiance' settlement visa of UK, can i travel outside UK to other EU desitinations?




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What's a 'fiance' settlement visa of UK'?
It depends on your nationality as you will be travelling on your passport. So if you need a visa from your own country, then you will still need one.
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so have legal residency of UK does not imply that i can travel to other EU countries? is that right
Thats right - our daughter-in-law (who is Turkish) is legally married to our son but has to wait 3 years before she can have a British Passport. When she travels with him ( or on her own) she has to get what ever visa is required for a Turkish national. This will apply to any nationality. I hope that helps.

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