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jennyjoan | 00:25 Fri 17th Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
You know when you want to like to leave like a heart emoticon at the end of an email - can you enlarge it. thank


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Emoticons are constrained by the size of the font that they're placed within. So (unless someone here knows better) I'm fairly sure that the answer to your question has to be 'No'.

It's a No from me as well
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I thought that Chris - cos I have tried often enough. Ah well - the wee tiny heart will have to do. Thanks for your reply.
Er, just a thought though:

I've just taken a look at the web-based email service that I use. I see that it's possible to change the font size (although I've never bothered to use it).

Perhaps you could change the font size (to make it larger) for just the part of your email that includes the emoticon? If our email service lets you do that you should, indeed, end up with an emoticon which is larger than it might otherwise be.

Worth a try perhaps?
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I tried that Chris - as in typing the last line of the email with the emoticon - I was able to change the font to 30 and the emoticon enlarged.

It is funny looking but at the end it is just an expression I wanted to give.

Great idea Chris and again thanks

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