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A Better Use Of 50P?

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gness | 21:00 Sat 18th Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
It's no secret that I'm a fan of the beeb and would pay 50p a day just for the radio....

I like this.......☺


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I would gladly pay for the Beeb, as, like you gness, I am a huge fan. But I think we get tremendous value now.

All those TV stations and radio stations, plus The Archers and John Humphries...all that for £2.79 a week ?

The Proms have just started, the worlds biggest music festival, with the ability to listen/watch again on the iplayer.

Think of those seminal wildlife programs, with Attenborough ?

And no ruddy irritating adverts !

Where else in the world would you get such variety and quality, for such a small amount of money ?

The more expensive Sky TV ? ....I don't think so !
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Hi, Mikey......tremendous value indeed.......there isn't a day I don't use the beeb.....mostly the radio...and as you say....£2.79 a week......can't complain about that.......x
Some will complain though Gness ! Especially the ones that think that the BBC should be kind to Tory politicians, at the same time as being hard on Labour ones.

The BBC is respected all over the world for being the best media organization, and I think its about time that you and I, and all the millions of users and fans started standing up for it.

We have another Tory Government in power again, and, as usual, the Beeb is under fire....well, well, well....what a surprise !
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A few months of Canadian TV and radio, Mikey.....would stop anyone complaining about the beeb....x

I haven't really travelled much in Canada, only the bit between Niagara and Detroit, but I have driven 10,000's of miles across America and done coast-to-coast twice. Trying to find something worth listening to on the car radio is next to impossible, unless its wall to wall Country music.

American rental cars have the sort of radios that have a scan button, that finds the next station up or down the bands. When you keep pressing this button and keep getting "Hotel California", on different radio stations, you really know the meaning of the word despair !

Sometimes you are lucky and can get National Public Radio, but unless you are in a city, NPR is not very easy to obtain.

So, thank God for the Beeb, because without it, we would have wall to wall pop music ! And those ruddy adverts !

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