I put all my fiction books in alphabetical order apart from the overflow of paper backs which are stacked. Must be close on a hundred. Gradually taking them to Oxfam.
When I hung washing out the pegs had to match or it looked messy.....my cds are in alphabetical order as were my books when they were in more of a library room than they are now....
Odd?....I don't know if it is but I am unable to do nothing.....can't lie by a pool or on a beach....if I want to watch TV I have to knit or sew.
Not something odd that I do, but that I have I guess....I'm a synesthete and also when I close my eyes I don't see black.....I see moving pictures as if on a black and white TV with people and animals.
Which probably explains my fidget mind......and makes me as mad as Tilly......☺
probably oddest thing I do which also maybe OCD... all tins/cans have to be with the label front facing forward (toward me) even though I know what they are. So yes quite bonkers.
Blue, blue, pink, pink, white, white. It all sounds normal to me!
I like being different, Its not good being run of the mill, is it?
We always eat our weetabix with hot milk, always have done, and acurrant bun always has to be eaten with a nice bit of cheddar cheese in it, never plain or toasted.
My OH thinks I'm odd because, even though the house is fairly messy and dusty, all the books on the coffee table have to be aligned, no drawers can be left slightly open, no lights left on in rooms that no one is in and nothing can be put on my armchair except me and whatever book or paper I'm reading.
I also just broke my fear of driving on the motorway after 19 years, but won't be in a rush to do it again.