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Ann | 09:02 Sat 25th Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
An incredible video! It has a real WOW factor ..... enjoy!


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What a plane, a very good video Ann, the formation of the Red Arrows was perfect in every way, thank you xx
Thanks Ann...fabulous and emotional footage.
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Was hoping you saw this post Sqad! :)

The day was sunny so they actually got the shadows of the Reds and the Vulcan on the ground - just perfect filming! How we will miss seeing it fly over our garden when it finishes flying later this year, we feel so sad!
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If you look closely, you can see me (and about 60,000 others) looking up in awe. It was amazing.

I thought the effect 10 spitfires and 4 hurricanes had on the crowd was quite moving because nearly everyone got to their feet and watched. But when the Vulcan came you could hear a pin drop as she flew in.

It really was an incredible day. The downside was I sunburnt my eyelids.
Terrific, thanks Ann.
What's that furry thing underneath the plane - looks like somebody's teddy bear hitched a ride
Thanks, Ann....fantastic.

I've followed the Vulcan (well not literally, I only have a Honda) and looked at why this will be the last time we see her fly.

I do understand those reasons.....but how I wish it could have been different...... :-(

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