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is philosophy propaganda?

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jimmer | 17:41 Sat 08th Nov 2003 | Arts & Literature
5 Answers
is philosophy propaganda?


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Definitions - 1/ A particular philosophical system or theory; the hypothesis by which particular phenomena are explained.

and 2/ any organization or plan for spreading a particular doctrine or a system of principles.

Therefore for this to qualify there would have to be an overall plan to spread these thoughts or beliefs by a group....but if your paranoid enough I suppose it's not beyond the realms of possibility.

The two terms may be closely linked but are not the same - you can philosophise without wanted to spread your ideas and opinions. The term 'propaganda' originally came about when part of the catholic church decided to try to propagate its beliefs (or philosophy)
i studied philsophy, as far as i can see it's about ripping peoples theories to bits rather than promoting them. give us an example of what you mean....
Political philosphy might be considered as propaganda? Given that all political views can be traced back to a philosphical foundation (whether they have consciously or unconsciously come from same), they seem to me to be intertwined.
What is propaganda? Is it not, dependant upon the ability to influence the decision making element of Humanity? Philiosophy is dependant on the ability to influence the decision making elements of ourselves. To adress your question directly, i reply is propaganda philosophy?

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is philosophy propaganda?

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