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Had Difficulty Keeping A Straight Face!

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Caran | 22:20 Mon 03rd Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
We went to Malvern today. Had a drink in a pub. A couple at the next table were talking, I think they may have been Polish but not sure. Another chap joined them so they spoke English. The Polish chap was talking about their recent trip to Australia. He said it was fine except for two things. The cost of everything was very high but he said the worse thing was...... Wait for it...
There were too many foreigners!!!
What did he want, everyone to be Polish?
I struggled not to laugh.


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One time just stealing a slice of bread was enough to earn a trip to Oz.
I remember a friend of mine going to Oz and the man at passport control asking him ''Do you have a criminal record ?''
He was not impressed when my mate replied '' I'm sorry I didn't realize it was still necessary''
LOL Eddie !

If anybody wants to know how Australia was first settled, Robert Hughes wrote a first-rate account in his book, "The Fatal Shore", that I can thoroughly recommend :::
You say "first settled"; others say that was as much as 50,000 years prior to what that book refers to.

"First colonised" would be a more apt phrase.

Gah! I'm no fun. I'll get me coat… are, of course correct...sloppy copy from me I'm afraid !
I am trying not to be serious Caran - after all this IS AB !

but ..... see here

para 7 is Cronulla the most recent of disturbances

It featured in some satirical photoes labelled "Welcoming newcomers with a braai " ( OK Braai is yarpie for a barbie - whatever the Oz word is ) and another in the satirical sequence was 'feeding the aniimals' and there was a Asa Chamberlain look-a-like feeding an alsatian.... all good pictorial satire.

I thougth at Cronulla they were beating Eastern Eurpoeans but it seems not
hypo //Gah! I'm no fun. I'll get me coat… //

my sentiments entirely - get a little more serious and the whole thread will be pulled !

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Had Difficulty Keeping A Straight Face!

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