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A Fool And His/her Money. Etc, Etc !

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mikey4444 | 13:44 Wed 05th Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Who in their right mind would pay £16:45 for a bottle of water !


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From your Link,

"Restaurant sells bottled water for £26" ???
And the rest. On the news earlier they were saying £26 and above.

I probably would out of curiosity if I had a lottery win. I'm not a fan of spending money though.
Iceberg water?

Is that from a real iceberg?

Where can one buy that??
Would I spend that on a bottle of water? Not a chance.
Here you are JJ,get some Voddie too.
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fatfnger syndrome !

Actually, from the videolink, its £26:45.
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Pure idiocy as far as I am concerned. More money than sense !
People spend their money on what they like,that has always been my viewpoint.

My tap water is delicious but I struggle to pay my water rates - I'll stay as I am for now.
I wouldn't say more money than sense. They'd need a bit of sense to make the money in the first place :-)

People with lots of money indulge.
"Where can one buy that?? " ... I have a special storage unit in my garage.
In a large white insulated box my iceberg is safely stored.
The special iceberg water is extracted slowly and then decanted into more suitable containers which I then sell at a discount price ... only £16.50 a bottle. If you opt for a case further discounts can be applied. Let's say £190 a case delivered next day... how many cases do you want ? .. ;-)
People who work for the BBC, charities and various other jobs that come with a company credit card.

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A Fool And His/her Money. Etc, Etc !

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